You’re speeding down a forest highway on a stormy night. You turn onto a gravel road and follow it until it ends at a small unpaved parking lot. As you get out of your car, strong winds snap a nearby tree and it falls toward you…
How To Play
1. Each trail page includes a list of items you see around you. Click those links to open windows containing item descriptions.
2. Some item descriptions include 4-digit numbers. Keep track of these. You might be able to “use” the objects, alone or combined.
3. Trail pages include videos for things you can interact with. Passwords are 4-digit numbers OR the sum of multiple numbers.
4. Enter the correct password and the video will play. Videos will reveal new items (and new numbers) you can use in the game.
Making 10 wild password guesses in a short span might lock the videos for one hour.
To make things more challenging, some videos are decoys and cannot be unlocked.
Click the thumbnails below to view a section of the trail.
For the best game experience, start at 1 and progress in order, as if you were walking the trail.
But wait - there’s more!
When you’ve made it out of the woods, there’s one thing left to do. Throughout the game, there are 10 achievements you can earn. Each time, you’ll learn a new 4-digit number.
Add all 10 numbers together and use that new number as a password to unlock this final video.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why isn’t the password working?
Every password is numeric or lowercase, with no spaces. Check to make sure caps lock is off.
Why does the video say I’m locked out?
Entering too many incorrect tries (10+) in a short period of time may lock out your device or IP address for an hour. You can try a different device, or wait an hour and try again.
When do you release the answers?
The only way to learn the answers is by solving the puzzles.
I’m stuck. Can I get help?
We don’t provide additional hints by email, but here are a few things to help you.
This game relies on simple deductions of how objects can be used together.
Everything you need is on the page and in the object descriptions.
It’s easy to miss something. If you think you did, start back at the trailhead, and take a second look.